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Businesses can’t survive without social media platforms. Even if your brand never posts a single content, just having a Facebook or Instagram page can be effective in building trust. However, if we look at the most used social media platform in the US/Canada statistics, Canadians and Americans have a slight variation in social media usage. For example, while there’s an overall similarity between everyone’s preferred platforms, Tumblr seems to have a way stronger base in the US and so on.

What Does It Mean for Lead Generation?

To understand the most used social media platform in the US/Canada and what it means for lead generation, we must focus on the key differences.

Mobile Preferences

Facebook and YouTube are still the most preferred platforms in both Canada and the US. However, LinkedIn is easily the third most liked social media platform in Canada, while it is in sixth place in the US. The US also seems to prefer Snapchat overwhelmingly compared to Canada.

Canada has a good 45% to 46% balance between smartphone and desktop users. In contrast, almost 91% of people use their smartphones for social media purposes in the US.

When generating leads, you have to account for how the audience prefers to interact with social media. For example, the US audience would probably respond to mobile-based content, while it would be better to target the Canadian audience through both device types.

Page Type

Canadians also have a disproportionate affection for brand or product pages. This naturally means if you are a brand, you have a higher chance for lead generation in Canada. News, media, and celebrities' pages follow behind closely. Also, decorating your brand voice in a more informative or fun way will have more effect.

The most popular messenger app in US/Canada is Messenger, which is kind of given due to the love for Facebook. So you should keep your messages open for your business page. When customers have a question, that’s where they are likely to contact you.

Regional Difference

We also note a difference in how each province in Canada interacts with social media platforms, with users varying in each region. This is also true for the 50 states in the US. These statistics can help you understand how to use the most popular social media platforms in the US/Canada to expand business globally.

Engagement Level

Even the engagement level is different for every platform. People check platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat daily much more than YouTube or Pinterest. Facebook content is also shared more often daily, while YouTube and Instagram have a similar ratio.

Understanding how many times users visit a platform or how many times they come to share or post in a day helps you determine when you should post your content.

Final Thoughts

The advantages and disadvantages of the most popular social media platforms in the US/Canada differ. If you want to target both locations, it would be better to handle the marketing to experienced branders such as GoYou branding.

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Content marketing is a way for businesses to answer the who, why, and how of their customers and clients. By answering your customer’s questions and needs, an effective content marketing strategy results in high credibility, new leads and conversions, increased authority, and social media presence in your field.

If you can’t figure out how to go about kickstarting your content project, you can rely on a content marketing agency to help you out.

5 Things For An Effective Content Marketing Strategy

The Main Objective

The tone of your content marketing strategy depends on your brand identity. It helps you build on the main content marketing objectives.

You need to figure out what you want out of a marketing campaign. Do you want more customers, or do you want to retain existing customers? Do you want to become the number one brand in your field? At what point would you consider you have achieved your goals?

You need to set realistic objectives. You can’t reach the top immediately. You must also figure out the timeframe for achieving these goals. Every part of your content strategy needs to be geared towards reaching the main objectives.

Buyer Persona

Who is your product for? What demographic of people are more likely to find your product or service attractive? A buyer persona helps you create content for a specific set of customers with the highest chance of finding your product useful.

This includes accounting for their supposed age, location, occupation, the reason for purchase, and the possible challenges and pain points they hope to address through your product.

You create this single fictitious person and create content addressing them. This doesn’t mean people who don’t fit the persona won’t find your products attractive, but that you will have a stronger fanbase within a group.

Market Research and Customer Journey

There are two ways to go about doing marketing research in your industry. First, you can gather information on what your competitors are doing right or wrong and then use this data to create better content.

Or you can begin sharing stuff on content marketing platforms and use social tools to get a better insight on what content’s working and what’s not. For the content that’s working, what kind of customers like it the most.

Additionally, try to create a journey map for your customers. How do they come across your content? After they do, what must they do next? Do they sign up on your website? Do they request a quote? Map out the entire process, so they have a piece of content to look forward to at each step.

A Content Marketing Team

When it comes to content marketing for business, you can have an internal or external team. For an internal team, you will need to find researchers, a communication head, planners, and creators. All of them have to work together to create your brand content.

If you are a small business, the content team might have to be shortened to one or three people with multi-skills. Alternatively, an external marketing team outsources its talent to your agency. They will take care of the entire process as long as you give them the right information.

Content Calendar

You need to plan out the exact time and date you will be dropping content and its frequency. A content calendar will inform everyone in the agency about the channels you will use to publish the content and the formats. It will also help your content creators plan and accelerate their content process.

Not to mention consistency is essential while creating content. A content calendar will help everyone from neglecting the schedule. Your customers will be grateful if you have a proper content timeline since they can anticipate your content this way.

Final Thoughts

Once you have published a couple of key contents as part of your content marketing strategy, it is time to evaluate their effect. Analyze how well the content is working and if it lived up to your expectation. If it’s not working, gather data on why and replan your content. Content creation is entirely a trial and error process.

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Think of the number of small businesses that have blown up in the past few months due to short viral videos on TikTok and Instagram reels. In the same way, movies will always be the most easily marketable form of media. Videos in all forms are quick to catch our attention, especially with the introduction of AR, 360-degree videos, and live streams.

As of now, at least 82% of businesses have realized the importance of video marketing strategy. If you don’t join the statistics soon, you’ll be left behind.

5 Reasons To Create A Video Marketing Strategy

Video Improves SEO

According to Moovly, you have a 53% higher chance of showing up on searches by simply having a video on your website. Because videos make customers curious enough to scroll the site for a longer period of time, it signals credibility to search engines. You don’t have to create a video of your own, but even embedding YouTube content can do the trick.

However, more power to you if you create your own. Even video content can be optimized for search since the crawlers can analyze moving images and sound. Make an interesting video with an accurate description and title. Don’t forget a CTA. Focus on YouTube because Google loves ranking its sites.

Mobile Users Love Videos

A large percentage of the video marketing audience coincides with mobile users. This brings back to the 1 billion monthly users you have on TikTok, which is entirely a video marketing platform. According to YouTube reports, mobile users rise by 100% on the platform every year.

While people are commuting or even lying on their bed, watching videos to pass time is easier. If they come across a video ad from your brand, they’re 1.4 times more likely to pay attention.

Video Converts Better

When customers come across your product videos, they have a clear picture of what you’re offering. While the descriptions you provide help, the visual aid sells it to them. One study suggests that 74% of the users who saw a video explaining a product or service ended up buying it at one point or another.

The ROI is also huge. Yes, planning, storyboarding, creating, and editing take a lot of time, but the customer reaction you get in return is triple. Open market tools have also made video editing easier. Even when the video quality is poor, it still doesn’t put off customers as long as the content is solid.

Your potential customer will likely check back later for more content.

Video Encourages Sharing

There is nothing like a good, emotionally crafted video to get the word going about your product. For a small business with 100 customers, a viral video can easily convert the customer base to 1000 in a day.

Similar to memes, people are likely to share videos they find emotional, funny, informative, or engaging in other ways. People like showing their friends and family something they thought was rad. Social shares easily generate more traffic for your site until someone’s buying your products.

Video Increase CTR for Email

Email marketing is a powerful marketing tool. The percentage you can’t target via mobile can be easily reached via email on their desktop. A classic video marketing strategy is including a video in your introductory email to your potential customers. The click-through rate is suspected to be almost 96%.

Your video marketing audience is less likely to dismiss an email if accompanied by a video that builds trust.

Final Thoughts

Small businesses can experience overnight success with the right video marketing strategy. The established one can go further and be ahead of its competitors. But, considering the number of businesses using video marketing in general, you’ll be left behind if you don’t follow. Creating videos with consistency isn’t easy, though, and that’s where you should employ branding geniuses.

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